Optimise Your WordPress Business With WPMU DEV…So You Can Enjoy WordCamp

Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, freelancer, developer or design agency with a WordPress install, we have one thing in common – we want sites that reach a huge audience.

So you optimise *everything*. And if we’re honest it can be a bit overwhelming. Technical optimisation needs to include performance optimisation, image optimisation, security optimisation, content optimisation, plugin optimisation, server optimisation…you get the point.

What suffers most when we fixate on the technical stuff is our ability to focus on meaningful content, growing our business, and relationships.

Are you so busy optimising the technical stuff you’ve forgotten to optimise your business?

Find Your WordPress Superpowers

This is why WordCamps are so important. This is why WPMU DEV is joining with other great brands to sponsor this event.   

Sure, WordCamps are a great place to discover fancy tools for automating your business and learning tricks from masters…but don’t underestimate the power of networking with like-minded folks. Virtual community has made the world smaller but there’s something special about connecting IRL.

We want to make the technical stuff the easy stuff so you can focus on your business. We build tools that automate and simplify WordPress site management – Smush, Hummingbird, Defender, SmartCrawl (and we give a lot of it away for free on WordPress.org perfect for the majority of users). But for power users managing multiple sites it’s important for you to engage in building your business and to create new streams of income.

We want to take a load off so enjoy a free 30-days on us just in time for WordCamp.

Let us automate and monitor all your sites while you’re at WordCamp so you can work on growing your business.


WordCamp Brighton 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!